Trusted partners. Quick response. Skilled Labor.
Here when you need us.
The Basepoint Building Automations Service Team can be relied upon to be responsive with expert repairs that make your life easier even in the most inconvenient circumstances. We are so committed to serving you, that you will see it in our mission statement!
We strive to be the best in the midwest, setting a high standard in the service business.
The Basepoint Building Automations Service Team is always ready because things don’t happen during normal business hours. We provide 24-hour service • 7 days a week • 365 days a year.
Call: (800) 779-2760
Call: (800) 779-2760
After hours call back response time is 2 hours.
Business hours call back response time is 1 hour.
Business hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30 am – 4:30 pm
Non-Emergency Service Request
For normal business hours, non-emergency service, please choose one of these three service request options.
Contact Us
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